Friday, August 17, 2012

Ginger Tea 생강차 Saenggang Cha

Hey guys, so it has been a while since I last posted. Maybe you guys have finished going through my week of recipes so you have come back looking for more...hopefully. But I have finished all my school exams so I am sort of free until the actual exams that I need to to. So I'll probably be posting more for the next two months, but it also depends on whether or not I am bothered ^^

To ease my way back into blogging I am just going to be posting up a simple recipe for ginger tea 생강차 (saenggang cha) that you can make to drink anytime that you want. It will be nice to cool you down by adding a few ice cubes in, or you can just add more cold water.

Saenggang cha (생강차) is a tea made from ginger root. The ginger root is washed and sliced without peeling. The sliced ginger root is stored with honey for a few weeks. To make tea the mixed honey and ginger root is added to hot water.

Efficacy in Traditional Korean Beliefs: Some believe that Saenggang Cha is useful to prevent colds and to aid digestion. It also has a remedial effect on diarrhea and stomachache due to low body temperature. It helps someone who has a low body temperature due to bad circulation. However, neither belief has been shown in independent scientific evaluations.

This is an extremely good remedy for a sore throat and runny/blocked nose because of the ginger working wonders to the body's immune system. Although the taste may be a bit strong, it is still extremely good for your health, especially for when the days are getting chilly. Which is perfect for where I am now which has become cold again.

Fresh ginger – 80 g
Fresh cinnamon pieces- 20 g
Water – 8 cups
Optional - 4 to 5 pine nuts, 1 tsp of honey

1. Clean the ginger well (peel the skin off as well). – I scrubbed it with rough cloth first then used a spoon to scrub off the skin
2. Rinse the cinnamon in cold water. (You don’t need to cut them into small pieces, mine was already in small pieces.)
3. Thin slice the ginger.
4. Put the ginger, cinnamon, and water into a pot.
5. Boil it on medium heat for about 25-30 minutes.
6. Sieve the ginger and cinnamon. (Use a white straining cloth if you can, to catch the small dirt from the cinnamon)
7. Serve it in a tea cup. (You can also add some pine nuts and honey)

And there you have it, a hot cup of goodness to protect you from the cold, perfect for the weather now which has returned to being cold.

So that it it from me today. I'll try my best to post another recipe again in the next few days, provided that I don't procrastinate too much. And remember that until next time to keep safe, healthy and happy!!

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